Repurposing Content: Create Videos from Your Email Marketing

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Do you know that you have a storehouse of content just sitting and waiting to be used? Every email you have ever sent out to your list has the potential to be used again for different purposes. With just a few creative tweaks you have a steady source of content that can be repurposed into an outline for a new video to get that message out to a new audience.

Once you get familiar with the process you will be creating fresh, engaging content easily by repurposing existing emails into videos. Repurposing content requires minimal effort, but it can help you reach a wider audience and create more compelling, memorable content for your brand. 

If you have been sending out eNewsletters, then you’re already well stocked with the best type of content to convert into relatable videos. While you can use video to sell your products and services, you’ll mainly want to use video marketing to make connections and share the story of your company. 

Whether you use content from eNewsletters, new subscriber email campaigns, or occasional broadcast emails you can take part of the text from the email copy to use as a script and/or text visuals. Use the part of the content that gives helpful advice or actionable tips and focus on that for a video. You will be able to make videos of various lengths with your email content, but repurposing this type content will likely provide the best short-form videos, which tends to be the most popular on video platforms.  

Tell an Interesting Story with Your Video

While your email copy gives you a good start, you still need to make it engaging for video by thinking about the visual story that your viewers will enjoy. Your video should stand out from the crowd. Tell a story that’s interesting, entertaining, and memorable by using compelling visuals, music, or even some comedy if it’s appropriate for your brand. This helps ensure that your video will have maximum impact on your viewers. Additionally, make sure any important points are easily visible with wording or strong imagery so that viewers don’t miss them.

Include Visual Elements to Enhance the Information You’re Sharing

You can make your video visually engaging in a variety of ways to make it interesting and share-worthy. Use graphic elements, animations, or intriguing pictures to bring topics to life for your viewers. Alternatively, create illustrations that support the main messages within the video. Include a logo or watermark of your brand at the beginning and end of each video. This helps ensure consistent branding across all of your content and provides an easy way to promote any further content you make.

Leverage Social Media for Content Promotion and Distribution

To get the most out of your repurposed content, make sure you promote it across multiple social media platforms. For longer videos of five minutes or more, share clips from the video, encouraging viewers to watch more and link back to the full piece. Ask people for feedback about what they thought of your video and how it could be improved. Leverage this feedback to refine your visuals and messaging and further enhance the impact of your content.

There are many things already happening in your business that can be repurposed into videos. Don’t waste time coming up with new ideas for each marketing element. Instead, work more efficiently by using existing content and share it in a new way. 

Browse through more articles in our small business marketing blog for further advice and guidance in reaching and engaging potential customers through value-driven marketing methods.   

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