How to Create a Lead Magnet that Converts

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Need some simple steps on how to create a lead magnet (i.e. free offer) that appeals to your ideal customer?

Warming up your market to your company is your first order of business. You reach “your people” through various channels, whether they be your own channels or ones that allow you to get in front of another audience. You impress people with an engaging mix of graphics and copy and help them get to know how your products can help them in their life.

After the “warming up” stage, those people want to get a taste of what you have to offer and are ready for a bit more of a commitment. That’s why a complimentary product or service in exchange for their email address (known as a lead magnet) is your ongoing order of business.

How to Create a Lead Magnet – The Content

There are many things to keep in mind to create an effective lead magnet , and you’ll likely benefit from having more than one free offer, depending on the segmentation of your audience. What you can offer will fall into one of these main categories:

  • Educational: Teach about something that will help them in their life and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Useful Tutorials and Tools: Provide a tutorial, calculator, or other tool to solve a problem.
  • Templates: This is a popular one in the homeschooling market. Create an outline of something they can use to make a task easier.
  • Entertaining: Inspire or entertain your audience with audio, video, or text.
  • Free Trial: Give your new subscriber a limited-time or limited-access login to your SaaS program.

How to Create a Lead Magnet – The Purpose

Be inspired with this list of lead magnets with templates from ConvertKit. Sending out no-cost offers is a marketing strategy that influences the way an individual will interact with your company in the future. The author of Influence, Robert Cialdini, describes the two consumer behaviors that compel people to engage with your brand and take action on your offers:


Choosing to give their email address for your offer of value is the first “yes” that can pave the way for repeated “yeses” to other offers — free and paid!


This rule states that people feel compelled to repay what has been given to them. They may do this more immediately by sharing a post of your brand, telling others about your offer, and purchasing your products.

A lead magnet is really the first transaction that your customer has with your company. Even though no money is exchanged, the payment comes in the form of an email address, and this transaction accounts for several steps in the journey to your customer making higher-value transactions in the future.

Make sure your lead magnet is relevant to the future offers you’re going to present through email. It must solve a piece of the problem they’re struggling with–the same problem or issue that you have created your products to solve.

You know you’ve created a good lead magnet when people are signing up saying, “That’s for me!”

Now that you’ve got the basics on how to create a lead magnet, learn more about the advertising options through our mobile app and online locations that are a few of the places you can reach new customers with your free offer.

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